Hey y'all.
well as you all know our website is down. but it will be up in just a few days :D
so check in a few days it should be up :) thanks.
also we have a new facebook page for any of our fans that use facebook :D go and like is if you like lol.
Here are Various Hairy Trio Links.
Now for all of you fans of my Legend Series or Adventures. do not expect any new flashs soon. these days, I am very busy and do not have much time at all to make flash. i thank you all for the patiants you have had and for still supporting and liking my work. you are great fans.
I will still try to make more even though i don't get much time to work on them.
p.s: here is a little piece of trivia for the Legend fans out there.
Q: in the begining of legend 5, how did David awaken, after falling to his death in Legend 4?
some people may think David had a fairy with him, but the goron took that in the end of Legend 2.
A: he's just a total badass, with some serious will power. (never gives up)
BUT! where did david get his powers and extra strength? that is another story for another day ;)
Also just a quick Happy Birthday to Myself for August 9th and my Brother on August 6th
sorry folks the facebook link isn't working so you will have to just search
"The Hairy Trio"
on facebook, sorry for the inconvenience.
don't worry it's easy to find, it's got a pic of David as the Profile pic.